東吳大學於1900年由基督教監理會在中國蘇州創辦,是中國第一所西制大學。1951年在臺灣復校,也是臺灣第一所私立大學。秉持中、西文校訓「養天地正氣、法古今完人」、「Unto a Full-Grown Man」的精神,致力發展成一所精緻、有特色、具前瞻性的優質教學大學,培育兼備專業與通識,富創意及執行力之社會中堅人才。展望未來,在本校優質教學的深厚基礎上,以整合、創新的概念,發揮綜效建立特色,以期在臺灣高等教育界建立卓然的領先地位。
本系以實用英語為基礎,培養語文能力;並以英美文學與基礎語言學的知識提升英文的深度與廣度,強調恢弘的人文傳統和豐富的文化內涵。以多元的課程訓練聽、說、讀、寫、譯之英語文能力,以培養相關專業人才,並發揮大學英語文教學之文化與社會功能。更提供各樣英語學習環境,多聘外籍專任教師,上課、開會以英語進行,並有English Corner輔導學生並推展英美文化活動。多樣輔導並關懷學生:學生可自選導師生活學習輔導;功能導師依案例輔導;助教分別輔導各年級學生、系學會外,並辦理期中課業預警作業。畢業生出路甚廣,獻身各類工作,對校、系向心力強,積極回饋。
The Greening of Oz:
Dorothy is an orphan who lives on a farm with her dog Toto, Auntie Em and Uncle Henry. Their small farm is being threatened by the big factory farms of the Gulch family. Ms. Gulch seizes Toto because he digs under her fences and Dorothy runs away to rescue him. She finds Toto, but a typhoon comes and blows her house to the Planet of OZ, where it lands on the Wicked Witch of the East and kills her. Her death frees the local people, the Munchikins, but makes an enemy of her sister, the Wicked Withch of the West. Glinda, the Good Witch, tells Dorothy that the ruby slippers will help protect her from the bad witch, but in order to get home to Earth, she must ask the Wizard of Oz for help.......
Dorothy is an orphan who lives on a farm with her dog Toto, Auntie Em and Uncle Henry. Their small farm is being threatened by the big factory farms of the Gulch family. Ms. Gulch seizes Toto because he digs under her fences and Dorothy runs away to rescue him. She finds Toto, but a typhoon comes and blows her house to the Planet of OZ, where it lands on the Wicked Witch of the East and kills her. Her death frees the local people, the Munchikins, but makes an enemy of her sister, the Wicked Withch of the West. Glinda, the Good Witch, tells Dorothy that the ruby slippers will help protect her from the bad witch, but in order to get home to Earth, she must ask the Wizard of Oz for help.......